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Philosophy 101: Mastering the Art of Coaching:
Section 1: What’s it mean to be a Coach?
Introduction: Principles over Details (3:23)
The Principles of Coaching (17:14)
Creating a Model of Coaching (10:21)
My Rules of Coaching
Section 2: Undestanding Ourselves
Introduction: The Need for Change (2:24)
It Starts with Us: Understanding How our Mind Works (9:34)
Why We Get Stuck (6:26)
How We Get in Our Own Way: Cognitive Bias (14:17)
Breaking Free- Becoming an Innovator (8:11)
The Art of Zooming: How to Cultivate Perspective (4:12)
Constraints Based Coaching (6:49)
How Constraints Make You a Better Coach
Resources for Section 2
Section 3: Collecting Information and Developing a BS filter
Introduction: The Modern Dilemma- Information (1:12)
Developing a BS Detector (8:07)
Coalescing and Filtering Information (6:43)
Deciding What Matters (6:38)
How Do We Make Sense of The World (5:55)
Understanding and Utilizing Science (12:28)
Tools for Evaluating Claims and Figuring Out What Works (11:36)
A Model of Recovery: My Cheat Sheet Guide
Resources for Section 3
Section 4: The Art of Learning
Introduction: Learning, Teaching, and Coaching (1:24)
The 5 Rules of Learning (11:31)
The Secrets of Learning and Teaching (13:54)
Make it Stick: Why Experts and Novices Learn Differently (8:02)
The 5 Methods of Learning (14:33)
Coaching is Teaching (11:25)
The Art (and Science) of Reflection (14:40)
The Learning -> Knowledge -> Implementation Cycle (3:19)
Resources for Section 4
Section 5: The Roller Coaster of Coaching
Introduction: The Rigors of Coaching (1:52)
How to Handle Success (5:50)
Dealing with Failure (11:22)
Harnessing The Power of Purpose (8:29)
Resources for Section 5
Section 6: Becoming A Better Coach
The Coaching Journey (13:07)
BONUS: My Coaching Philosophy Handbook
BONUS: How To Read, What To Read, and Taking Notes
BONUS: My Coaching Philosophy Handbook
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