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The Scholar Program
The Beginning: How to Utilize The Scholar Program
START HERE: Explaining the Scholar Program
The Scholar Clubhouse!
Training Programs of Elites
Tara Welling- US Half Marathon Champ
Nicole Blood- 2009 NCAA Championship Log
Mark English- 2016 Olympic Build Up
Alan Webb Training Logs
Alan Webb- Training Analysis- What works, what doesn't?
Natosha Rogers- 3 weeks before 2nd at US 10 mile champs
Jonathan Riley
Kristen Findley XC Training
Eleanor Fulton- 2017 Indoor Plan
Daniel Herrera- 3:56 Mile- Outdoor Prep
Julia Webb- 9:55 Steeplechase
Nick Symmonds 2012 Olympic Season
Ciaran O'Lionaird- 3:54 mile
Nate Brannen- 2004 Training
Nick Willis
Dathan Ritzenhein
Nathan Fleck- 1:47 800m
Jackie Areson- 15:12 5k
College Cross Country Training- 2012
NAU XC National Champions
Lindsay Flanagan- 2:29 marathon
Nick Symmonds 2013 World Champs Training
Will Nation- Long Term training- 2:17 to 2:15- Marathon Training
Tommy Schmitz- 3:56 mile
Neely Spence-Gracey Half Marathon Build Up
BYU Training
Notes on Marius Bakken's Training (13:06 5k)
2020 Olympic Trials
3:41 1,500m running 4 days a week
1:44 800m runner
Molly Seidel Olympic Bronze Medal Buildup
Joe Klecker- Olympic Build
History- Legends and Coaches from the Past
Kenny Moore
John Walker
Steve Prefontaine
Roger Bannister
Bill Rodgers
The Lydiard Training Schedules
Lydiard Resources
Lydiard Training Lecture
Ron Clarke
Percy Cerutty- Training Video
How They Train- Fred Wilt
Fred WIlt- The Experienced Runner
Harry Wilson
The History of Endurance Training: 500 pages
Alberto Salazar
Herb Elliott and Percy Cerutty
The Beginning of Training: the early 1900's
Mihaly Igloi- Developing a Coaching Language
Peter Snell
Alberto Juantorena- 800m training
Training in the early 1900s
1960's Training History
Using History to Guide Current Coaching (13:03)
Glenn Cunningham- Miler
Paavo Nurmi
Ernst Van Aaken
Percy Cerutty Training Outline
Arthur Lydiard Training Schedules
Anne Audain
Joe Vigil
Modern Coaches Philosophies
Margo Jennings- Coach of Maria Mutola and Kelly Holmes
VIn Lannana
Tom Schwartz- "Tinman"
East African Training
A Theory of African vs. Western Training
Antonio Cabral
Sara Hall's Recovery Plan- From Marathon to World XC in 3 weeks
Recovery Questionairre
Recovery Methods- Notes from Research Seminar
Simple Guide to Nutrition and Recovery
Coach Mike Smith on Executing and Coping
Andrew Wheating on Competing to Win
Q and A Podcast
Q and A #1- Training
Q and A #2- Lifting and Balancing Indoors and Outdoors
Q and A #3- Fast Twitch vs Slow Twitch and Marathon training
Q and A #4-Strength Training
Q and A #5: Cross Training
Q and A #6: 5k Training
Q and A #7: Marathon Training
Q and A #8: Understanding Lydiard
Q and A #9- Hills
Q and A #10- The Training Log
Q and A #11- GPS or Effort?
Q and A #12: Discussing Jack Daniels
Q and A #13- Strength Training for Masters Runners
Q and A #14: Bouncing Back from Workouts
Q and A #15: Marathon Training- What's changed?
Q and A #16: Flush Workouts
Q and A #17: Are You on the Right Path?
Q and A #18: Speed Development
Q and A #19: Recovery and Regeneration
Q and A #20: Marathon Training- Speed or Marathon Pace during the last part of the training cycle?
Q and A #21: Lactate Threshold Training
Q and A #22: Recovery Weeks
Q and A #23- Base Building
Q and A #24: How long does it take to get adaptation from a workout
Q and A #25: The Secret to Coaching? Relationship Building
Q and A #26: The Covid Summer
Q and A #27: Advice on Getting a Job in Coaching
Q and A #28: Cross-Country Training for Middle Distance Athletes
Elite Insight- Podcast with the Pros
Alan Webb- Training Podcast from the man himself
The Intangibles with Jon and Steve
Alex Hutchinson
Adam Didyk- Best Workout for the 5k (1:05)
Adam Didyk- Addressing Race Failure (1:01)
Adam Didyk- The Role of S&C (1:03)
Adam Didyk- The Warm-Up (1:00)
Behind the Scenes of Collegiate Coaching with Jon and Steve
Sprint Training with Tony Holler
Podcast with Alan Bishop on Strength Training (107:39)
Danny Mackey on coaching an Olympic Medalist
A Biomechanical Critique of a World Class Runner (8:59)
Sprinting- Breaking it down Video (11:58)
Biomechanical Analysis of the Marathon
Running with Correct Form Video (10:50)
Sprinting Form Analysis Video (4:08)
Hicham El Guerrouj Frame by Frame
Correcting Form-800m (14:49)
Sample Training Plans and Workouts
5k- 10 week Training Plan- Jon Marcus
Half Marathon Workouts- Jon Marcus
Summer XC Training Plan- 70 mpw
Middle Distance Base Training
HS Training Plan for Ryan Dohner
Summer Training Plan- 90 miles per week
Beginners Plan for the Half Marathon
High School Summer Plan Document
Workouts based on Lactate
High School XC Training (9:35)
High School Training- Track (12:19)
Middle Distance Training
Balancing Speed and Endurance
The Science and Art of Training for Middle Distance- 2hr Lecture (130:32)
The 800m Training Conundrum- Why is it so difficult to grasp?
Designing Training Lecture Series
The Fundamentals of Training Presentation- Steve Magness (29:39)
Middle Distance Training- Steve Magness Presentation (45:42)
Creating and Designing Workouts (19:23)
Understanding Energy Systems (20:10)
Connecting Training (6:57)
Strength Training
Strength Endurance Development
Strength Training Exercise Guide and Progression
Strength Endurance Circuit Video (3:15)
Hill Repeats Workout Video (3:32)
An Overview on Strength Training
Notes on The Science of Strength Training
Power Development
Guide to Exercises Strength Guide
Sample Strength Training
General Strength- Dan Pfaff
Renato Canova Training
The Canova Files- Notes on Canova's Training Philosophy
Canova Examined and Explained by Steve Magness (11:02)
Saif Shaheen Training
Moses Mosop Training
Moses Mosop- Training Analysis
Paul Kosgei- World Half Marathon Champs
Florence Kiplagat
800m training- Kimwetich
Strength Circuits
A Lecture by Renato Canova
Canova on Hard/Easy Western Style of Training
Advice on the Marathon
When Canova trained Mo
Training for the Marathon
Development of Strength Endurance
Presentation on the Philosophy of Canova
Marathon Training
Kenenisa Bekele- 2014 Training
An Overview
Sondre Moen Training
The Education of a Coach Series by Jon Marcus
Continual Learning- Bondarchuk
Going Beyond the Stopwatch
The Importance of Mentors
Learning from performance experience with Jon Marcus
The Coaches Mindset with Jon Marcus
A transactional vs. transformative coaching approach
Dropping Your Ego
Behavior and Culture
An instructor vs. a guide
Going Beyond Running
Injury Minimization
The Soft Skills of Coaching with Steve Magness
Communicating During a Competition
Communicating During Practice
Motivation in Runners
Being a Good Enough Coach
Mindsets- Flexibility
Racing Tactics 101
Instrinsic Motivation with Al Carius
Teaching Tactics
Finding the Right Mentality
Introduction to Coping Strategies
A Theory on the Psychology of Dealing with Fatigue
Successfully Balancing School and Running
Being Successful in College
The Psychology of Racing
Understanding Sports Psychology
Science- What Works and How to Use
Stephen Seiller- Dose Response Characteristics of Training
Altitude: What You Need to Know
Critical Velocity- What is it? (18:34)
Sub 2hr Marathon Attempt
Beta Alanine?
Heart Rate- To Measure or Not?
Bringing Science into Training
Beet Root Juice?
Antioxidants and Vitamin C
Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse
Static Stretching
Identifying the Demands of an Event
Mental Toughness- Research Collection
Training Load Monitoring (75:51)
Compression Socks
Muscle Fiber Recruitment Explained (10:27)
Altitude Tents
What Should You Prioritize in an Athletes Training?
What Workouts Do
Molecular Basis for Workouts
Bionergetics of Exercise
Altitude Training
Heat Training
VO2- Running Economy- Lactate Threshold Review
Coaching Philosophy 101
The Training Qualities
Steve's Coaching Philosophy Handbook
What do Workouts do? By Steve Magness
Long Term Athlete Development by Steve Magness
The Training Methods with Jon Marcus
How do HS, College, and Elite athletes actually train?
Volume and Intensity of Training Lecture (84:06)
XC Team Guide
What Model are you utilizing?
Models- Using a Psychological Approach to Workout Design
The Steeplechase: Keys to Transitioning Athletes to the Event
Training Models
Who are your influences?
Notes on Training from Conferences
Overview of Endurance Symposium
Sprint Training- Neural Demands
Coaches Interview Notes
Coach Cast- Presentation Notes
USATF Super Clinic Notes
Lactate Notes
British Milers Club Notes
Steve's Training Philosophy in 2007
ACSM- Notes
New Studies in Athletics- Notes
Book Club Notes
Introduction to Book Notes Section
Great Thinkers
The Biology of Desire
Top Dog
How to Stay Sane
The Playmaker's Advantage
The World Beyond Your Head
Why Everyone Else is a Hypocrite
Strangers to Ourselves
The Captain Class
How Emotions are Made
Consolations of Philosophy
Notes on Leadership
Leadership Matters When It Counts The Most
Leading Millennials
The Power of a Shared Purpose:
Leading When it Counts
Reflections on Coaching Essays
Handling Dissapointment
Communicating with Knowledge
What I learned from being out of shape
Changing Gears
Recovering From a Marathon
The Cool Down
Defining Success
Framing Failure
Resisting the Inertia of Expertise
Development Pathways are BS.
The Importance of Running by Feel
Moving on from their Sport
The power of reflection: Looking back at dumb Stuff we used to do
The Passion Paradox
How to Channel Your Passion for Runners
A Reflection on the Role of Passion in my Life
Passion Practices: How do we get better at making passion work for us, not against.
The Connection Between Love and Passion
The Making of a Paragraph
The Keys to Productive Passion
Podcast with Dave Epstein on All Things Performance
An Hour Discussion on Passion
Understanding Workouts
#1- 800m workout- 2x500m w/ bounds (1:14)
#2- 80m accelerations (13:55)
#3- The Steeple Pit (11:46)
3x1mile + 5x400 (6:33)
Test and Response Training
The Steeple Workout: How to Integrate (2:59)
6x20sec hills + 2x4min @ 5min mile pace (1:45)
Uncertainty Workouts (3:33)
Dissecting the Marathon
Episode 1- The Intake (15:40)
Episode 2- Looking for Gaps (18:55)
Episode 3- The 30k Foot View of Training Design (10:49)
Episode 4- The Details of the Workouts (6:02)
Episode 5: The Training Plan in Full (17:09)
Episode 6: Two Marathons in 5 Weeks (7:16)
Episode 7: The Build to the First Marathon (12:07)
Episode 8: Build to the second Marathon (9:07)
Elements of Coaching: A Guide to Make the Complex Simple
Chapter 1: Understanding our own bias:
Chapter 2: Skills for understanding and combatting our bias
Chapter 3: Understanding our History:
Chapter 4: Coaching Truths
Chapter 5: Developing a BS filter:
Chapter 6: How We Learn
Chapter 7: Understanding and Communicating with your athlete.
Chapter 8: The Art (and Science) of MotivationLaw of least effort
Chapter 9: Training the 6 inches between your ears
Chapter 10: How to Change
Chapter 11: Broad- Overarching Theories/Principles of Training
Chapter 12: The How of Training: Modulation
Chapter 13: Workout Design:
Chapter 14: Workout Summary- what are we trying to do?
Chapter 15: Special Considerations for training
Understanding Training
Lactate Tolerance and Anaerobic Training
The Effect of Time Off
Workout Progression
Blend Workouts
Individualization- Fast Twitch vs. Slow Twitch
Sprint Training for Distance Runners
The Tellez Files- Notes on Biomechanics from the Master of Sprinting
Biomechanical Approach to Sprinting
Teaching Running
Coaching Cues for Running
Defining Biomechanics
Basic Sprinting
Discussion Group Recordings
#1- Running, the immune system, and creating community during a pandemic
#2- Dan John on Strength Training for Runners (64:04)
#3- Adam Didyk (50:41)
#4- Katy Milkman on Behavior Change
Dealing with Injuries
A general guide to injury prevention. Looking at fatigue
Knee Stability (4:07)
Stress Fractures
Workouts | 800m
Specific- Top Down Progressions #1
Long Runs
Specific- Alternations
Specific- Top Down Progression #2
Specific- Bottom Up Progression- #1
Aerobic Support- Slow Twitch Oreintated
Race Simulation Workouts
Wickets for Runners
PART 1: Theory — PDF Overview & Summary
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